The one in the photos below is called "Without you baby, there ain't no us." and is a lot of framed screenshots of a YouTube video that they have turned into drawings. Their aim seems to be to explore the way that the video website has become very popular and look at a whole variety of videos to make their drawings from. It's an interesting take on the millions of videos that the popular website holds.
The content isn't so much what I'm interested in though. Their work is always displayed as an installation piece and I really like several of the ways they've done it. This first way below sees them plastering the walls in the drawings and piling the spares on the floor. I love this idea in the sense that it both bewilderes and intrigues you because there is almost too much to look at and rather than the wall existing, it just seems like a room of drawings.

They did another project, commissioned by a Sheikh to make works of famous Arab icons and the display they did for this was equally interesting. Something that is quite apparent in their displays is that the viewer is engaged in the sense that they have to move around the exhibition, avoiding things on the floor or in the air and I think if it were me, this would make me pay attention and forces people to move around more to see everything, rather than being able to stand in one place looking at a 2-d feel wall.

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