The project offers hope and inspiration for those who find themselves in the same boat and I found it a rather nice way of people coping and adapting to a pretty big change in their life that usually involves a period of uncertainty about bills and money. It shows that the worry can be over and things can be better. It's a pretty uplifting project.

They are doing quite well with responses and I'd say it's a far less anonymous project than mine, so I may have to look at their techniques and methods. I enjoyed the mixed responses to how they got things. Some people are more visibly upset about their loss of job than some who are more defiant and just angry. It brings out a part of each person's identity which is then captured on the card and we as viewers can make decisions about the person based on the job they had and the one they're getting or what they've done with the card.

My own project so far has evoked mixed reactions from me while I've been reading through the wishes. Some are sad, some are happy and some are downright silly but made me laugh/smile. This project is about looking on the bright side of things and I'd hope my own project could serve a different purpose but still be something. Perhaps that'll be the confessional element of it, people getting things off their chest or finally accepting various aspects of their life. Or perhaps my project will backfire and just bring out the bitter regrets and selfish wishes in people. At the minute it's uncertain because I don't have enough but I am interested to see my own outcome.

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