The module that this project for is all about getting the work out there. So part of it involves finding a competition, film festival, gallery or whatever is suitable for the project. When I first started, my idea was slightly different and so I was going for the LPA 'Let's face it 7' competition which involved submitting 5 portraits.
Obviously at the time the project was going to be portraits and then text to go with them or featuring in the portraits, but now it's developed into the wishes project and there are no people, I've had to review what I'm aiming for.I had another lookat the various competitions available but there was nothing fitting. Obviously film festivals are out of the question. While I may make a video to accompany the project, this isn't an aim of mine and my project just wouldn't fit. So the only option left to me is an installation at a gallery. Obviously this changes what I am aiming for and so instead I'll need to write a proposal showcasing my idea, the research, the initial work and what I'd like to exhibit. It needs to be professional and endear the panel to my work.
The next job was finding a suitable space. Obviously I am an un-exhibited student photographer who can't really afford to pay too much for a space and so I could narrow it down to smaller, independent and possibly local galleries. There is one in Leicester that only charges a small fee, but it's relatively unknown and the space isn't ideal for what I had in mind, not to mention it seems hard to get people to go to it that aren't just students and I want my project to appeal to a larger audience.
I was alerted to several in the East Midlands, notably several smaller ones in Nottingham. Perhaps slightly ambitious but there's Surface Gallery which is good. Despite me feeling that I'm simply not good enough, they are very open for various exhibitions and so I could submit here. It is very modern and contemporary and the range of art available varies which is good as I haven't seen too many projects like mine as installations which cuts out some of the more traditional galleries.
The other gallery I am looking at is The Ropewalk Gallery which is in North East Lincolnshire. I'd be looking to have the exhibit in the summer and so since this gallery is very near to my hometown it makes sense as I don't know where I'll be yet, but there's always a room at my parents house. The gallery has a good amount of people inon a daily basis anyway and is known in the local area. It's a contemporary gallery and has a range of art. I'm not sure they've had so many installations but they're always open to submissions and have a policy that has to be followed. I've included a screenshot of the policy below and also the layout. They have two spaces they exhibit work in but I envisage my exhibition in Gallery 1 as I like the space and the layout more.