I've been thinking a lot about how best to present the project as well as the planned installation because obviously while that is the ideal way, it's not the most practical. I would like the project to exist even when an installation isn't possible. While prints is a great idea, there's no financially viable way for me to print almost 100 of them and so it'd have to be a small number, 10 at max but that doesn't really sum up the project and so I was thinking a book is the perfect way to do this.There are several good online options for me to make this book but the initial layout I imagine is a landscape book since all of my images are that and I don't want there to be any text in the book besides the intial introduction at the beginning; it should just be a showcase of the images.
I've done up an initial view of what I'd like below but I shall explore Blurb and Lulu's options and experiment as well as looking at how other books are presented.