Today was really useful for me and to help me feel inspired about the project. The idea was that we sat down in small groups and showed our work to second years to discuss and critique us and we did the same for them. I found the session really useful because we got to see a different style of work and a different project.
We also got feedback from people who hadn't seen our projects before and weren't afraid to say what they thought. While discussing with my tutor and peers,particularly my housemates, is useful, they have seen my work a lot and it's harder for them to suggest new things or be as objective as somebody seeing/hearing about it for the first time.
It made me feel happier that my project is a little bit different and interesting because of their feedback and they were not only able to give me feedback and suggest areas to improve or things to try but they questioned me and got me to think about it more. They also helpfully suggested a couple of artists that I could look at.
We did feedback sheets for one another and these are them. I would definitely like to do a session like it again and it's got me rathermotivated to push on, try new things and enjoy the project again. The suggestion I like the most is the one about personalising the project more. I started it to look at other people but in a way to help me learn about my own identity and it's become apparent that the project is very much about everyone else right now and not so much me.
I will be taking the ideas and feedback on board and experimenting more. I need to start putting together the experimental video that looks at the wishes and uses the narration.